1 million dollars
on the online tea shop
The RealChinaTea project is an online store
of elite Chinese tea.
to take over all marketing and keep profits at the same level
The Task
What have we done
✔️ Email and telegram mailing lists — from creating design templates to developing your own telegram bot that offers tea according to the horoscope

✔️ Advertising in Vkontakte, Yandex, FB and Google have tested hundreds of campaigns, thousands of creatives in order to find the optimal promotion channels

✔️ SEO optimization — we restored the site's position after a heavy drop before our arrival

✔️ Improvements and improvements to the site. One of the best improvements is a gift basket to choose from

✔️ Cohort analysis and reporting on the directions for all the years of the project

✔️ Development of additional directions — wholesale sales and tea tours to China

✔️ Developed a large online store with 400+ product lines with complex functionality and unique design
$2,000 per month
$15,000+ per month
our comment
over these 5 years the project has brought $1,000,000 of revenue to its owners. Without interruptions, without stops, without crises.