The growth of a medical startup
by 38 times
SleepDoctor — A medical startup from Paris that helps treat sleep apnea. They contacted us 2 years ago, when they had 3 people in their team. By that time, they had already independently launched ads in Google Ads in Paris, and we helped to reconfigure this advertisement qualitatively, and in the first month they brought 3 times more
The growth of a medical startup
by 38 times
SleepDoctor — A medical startup from Paris that helps treat sleep apnea. They contacted us 2 years ago, when they had 3 people in their team. By that time, they had already independently launched ads in Google Ads in Paris, and we helped to reconfigure this advertisement qualitatively, and in the first month they brought 3 times more
To attract the maximum number of leads at a price of 50 euros
The Task
What have we done
✔️ A large analysis of competitors in France, Europe and the USA

✔️An analysis of the French market and developed an optimal launch strategy

✔️ Google Adsense ads have been restarted

✔️ Set up and launched ads in Facebook Ads

✔️ Developed 2000+ photo and video creatives

✔️ Written selling texts in French

✔️ Set up Google Analytics and created reports on the effectiveness of advertising

✔️ Gave recommendations on the site and marketing

✔️Scaled the advertising to new cities in France: Bordeaux, Lyon, Strasbourg.
from $700 to $27,000
Advertising budget
Average cost per lead
our comment
The startup grew very quickly due to marketing and advertising. 90% of all clients received by the startup came from advertising, which we manage.